Google Search Tricks that Most Users Don’t Know 2022

Hello! Today we are going to know some most useful Google tricks or features, which most people are not aware of. Before starting I will ask the most hilarious question from you. What is Google? Nowadays, even 5-year-olds know about Google. Anyway, “Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth” or the GOOGLE, is the most famous search engine on the internet.

Although people are using Google, they don’t use any of the special features of Google or Google tricks. Let’s see what those are and how to use Google search like a pro!


Using Quotation marks

This method will keep you away from avoiding unnecessary google search results. If you search SEO Courses Udemy, you won’t get results only from Udemy. To filter out others and get only courses from Udemy, you can try googling with quotation marks. Like this, SEO Courses “Udemy”.


Search for Results in Specific File Type with Colon

You can filter your google search and get results only in a specific file extension. Let’s say you need to download Harry Potter books in PDF version. So, you can type Harry Potter :pdf and google it. Then you will receive a list of available PDF versions of Harry Potter books.


Search for a Keyword in Specific Website

This is similar to performing a Google search for specific file types. To search about FRIENDS TV Show on the HBO Max website, you can try googling Friends


Using Asterisk When You Can’t Remember the Words

Say you want to search for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, but you can’t remember the word “Cursed”. What you just have to do is place an asterisk mark (*) there and google it. Like this, Harry Potter and the * Child. You will get the search results you needed.


Using Google Scholar

Nowadays almost all the students in the world are using Google for education purposes. But most of them even don’t aware of Google Scholar, which is a very valuable resource for them.

As an example, let’s say you have to read a research paper on nuclear energy for your academic work. Although you search about it on Google, you will not get very good results. But the Google Scholar is dedicated to academics. If you search nuclear energy research papers here, you will get a lot of papers.


Google Search with Images

You can perform a Google search using an image. You can use this method to find a high-quality image when you just have a low-quality or cropped version of it. Google image search can be done by clicking the camera icon in the Google search bar. Then select the image and google it.


Excluding  Specific Words with Hyphen

Let’s say you are researching snakes, you googled Python. But you got results for Python, the programming language. To filter out these unnecessary results, you can add a hyphen and the keyword which should be excluded. Then Google will filter the results for programming language out. Like subtracting the keyword.

In the above case, you could search for Python –programming.


Find a Song by Humming

We all have at least one song in our head which we don’t know the lyrics. As good news, Google has introduced a new feature called “Find a Song” to find songs by just humming it. You can access this feature by googling Find a Song on your smartphone. Just hum the rhythm and you will find the song in the results.


So, these are the most useful Google tricks and features that can help you in searching the most powerful and famous search engine, Google. Could you learn something new about Google from this article? Or do you have another interesting fact to share? Please post a comment below in the comment section and thank you for reading!


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